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Homosexuality And The Bible

"Who dares accuse us whom God has chosen for his own?"   Rom. 8:33a

"You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free."    John 8:32

It may take some time to "de-program" yourself from what we were all taught by well-intentioned, God-fearing people, many of whom we love dearly. It took a long time for many people to "de-program" from what they had been taught about black people - that they were inferior to whites and that the Bible supported slavery.

"Slaves, obey your earthly masters with deep respect and fear. Serve them sincerely as you would serve Christ."   Ephesians 6:5 NLT

This verse and many others, both in Old and New Testaments, would indicate that God supports slavery.

Remember that it is only since 1967 that segregation ended and interracial marriage has been fully legal in the U.S. (See a short but very interesting Article).

The problem with the interpretation of these verses is that they weren't considered in light of the culture of the day in which they were written, or with any historical background taken into consideration.

It's really hard to de-program, but it's essential that you do it. Please start from the opposite perspective than what you have been taught. You have always been taught that homosexuality is wrong. I want you now to think that homosexuality is NOT wrong, but absolutely RIGHT, and then start reading from that perspective.

After you have read everything on these pages and have prayed about it, you can make an educated decision as to which theory makes more sense to you, since you will then have the perspective of seeing both sides. Right now, you only know one side. It is impossible for you to make an educated decision.

I pray these articles, videos and websites may enlighten you and bring you peace.

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Video - Homosexuality and the Bible - by Rev Michael S. Piazza,
Cathedral of Hope, A Congregation of the United Church of Christ

Take a half hour and watch this excellent sermon. It's a great place to start.

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Gay AND Christian? YES! It IS Possible! eBook

Download Mary's eBook here

It's just 22 pages but it is filled with "must know" information in an easy to understand format.

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Let's Understand Scripture
- by Anita Cadoneau-Huseby, Sisterfriends Together

Here you will find each Scripture that seems to condemn homosexuality.
Understand the TRUTH and be set FREE!

The Bible And Homosexuality - Overview
Genesis 1 and 2 - Adam and Eve and Steve
Genesis 19 - The Sin of Sodom
Leviticus 18:19-22 and 20:1-18 - Pagans, Purity, and Property
Romans 1 - Read the Whole Chapter Kiddo
Romans 1 - The Way Too Long Version
I Corinthians 6:9 and I Timothy 1:9,10 - Words Matter

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Jesus Loves Me. This I Know, For The Bible Tells Me So . . .
- by Mary Pearson

This article was written for BACK magazine. Since it is a short general overview of homosexuality and Christianity, I offer it as a starting point for you.

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- Why Churches Should Welcome and Fully Affirm Christian GLBTs
- by Rev Bruce Lowe, 2011

Bruce is now 96 years old and is finally ready for retirement. This is his most recent gift to us. It should be required reading for all.

Download a printable .pdf version of this article for your friends and family.

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Is Homosexuality a Sin? by Rev. Dr. Kathlyn James who delivered the sermon to her United Methodist Congregation in response to her commitment to preach a series of sermons on "the top three most-asked questions of that day". "Is Homosexuality a Sin?" was the number one question.

As a straight woman, she did extensive research and combined it with her own personal experience of knowing a lesbian Christian. This article should be required reading for all pastors who are so very sure that we gays are not included in the Kingdom. Rev. James gives a compassionate and loving response.

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Learn THE FACTS about the Bible and Homosexuality! by Rembert Truluck

    - Sexual orientation is not mentioned in the Bible

    - Bible languages of Hebrew and Greek have no word for homosexual, sex or
            for romantic love

    - The Bible nowhere says that gays and lesbians can or should change their

    - The Bible in the original languages never condemns same sex romantic love
            as sin

    - Jesus never mentioned homosexuality

    - The Bible repeatedly demonstrates God's love, care and acceptance of all
            outcast, rejected, misunderstood and alienated people

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Bible Translation Errors - short article - by Mary Pearson

On May 5, 2001, when Pope Paul II begged God's forgiveness for sins committed by Roman Catholics against Jews, heretics and women, he acknowledged that the "Church" has been wrong in the past. It also took the Catholic Church 359 years to admit that they were wrong when they accused Galileo of heresy, comdemning him to death, unless he recanted that the earth rotates around the sun.

People have used the Bible to endorse slavery and segregation, initiate wars and crusades, condemn inter-racial marriage, burn women at the stake as witches, support the racism of the Ku Klux Klan, approve of Hitler's holocaust, etc, etc. . . . the list is long.

We look at these atrocities now and wonder, how could people have been so wrong about what the Bible says? Are people wrong again about what the Bible says about homosexuality? How could this happen?

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Bible Translation Errors - long article - by Mary Pearson

This was my original longer version which I adapted for a magazine article. It contains a few things from the above article if you read it first, but there is much more included in this article.

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The Sin of Sodom was NOT Homosexuality - by Mary Pearson

Because so many people base their judgement of homosexuals on the story of Sodom, it is essential to know the truth of the Genesis 18 story.

This article was written for the December, 2005 issue of BACK magazine.

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The Book of Romans - Some Background & A Little Insight - by Mary Pearson

Most of us are painfully aware that two of the most-used verses against gays and lesbians are found in Romans, specifically Romans 1:26,27. I feel it's important to know the truth, first for self-acceptance, and then to educate those who would use these verses against us.

Don't ever shy away from the Bible just because it has been used against us. Pursue it until you know the truth! So here is a little background on the book of Romans and why these two verses do not apply to you.

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Some Simple Facts About The Bible And Homosexuality
- by Rev Bruce Lowe, June 25, 2006

Rev Bruce Lowe is a retired Baptist minister and Bible scholar. This article covers briefly each of the "clobber verses" that are used against us, and then continues on with solid arguments for the full inclusion of all gays and lesbians within the church and society.

Download a printable .pdf version of this article for your friends and family.

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Gay Christian 101 - An EXCELLENT website with full explanations about Adam and Eve, The Sodom Story, Holiness Code, David and Jonathan, and MUCH more!!!!

Plan on spending a lot of time on this website.

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A Letter to Louise - Biblical Affirmation For God's Homosexual Children
- by Rev Bruce Lowe (retired "straight" Baptist minister)

This is a 42 page Article that will answer most of your questions.

Download a printable .pdf version of this Article for your friends and family.

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Am I Going To Hell Because I'm Gay? - The short answer is NO!
- To understand Sin, Salvation, and the Savior, read three articles by Anita

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I'm Gay And It's OK! - 48 page downloadable book
- by Rev. John W. Brown

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Gay and Christian - shows from the Bible that a person can be both a true Christian and a loving, sexually-active gay man or lesbian. It uses the "no-harm" test and cultural context to show that the Bible's condemnation of gay and lesbian sex does not apply today.

This website contains information that I have not seen on other websites. I recommend it.

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Hope Remains - is a website that covers Adam & Eve / Adam & Steve, Sodom & Gomorrah, Leviticus 18:22 & 20:13, Same-sex Marriage, Romans 1, I Corinthians & I Timothy.

We are not "liberal" theologians. We do not dismiss scripture as irrelevant to this day and age. We believe the Bible, in its original form, was the inerrant word of God. We endeavor to move beyond the mistranslations that exist in English translations of that word, using the extant Hebrew and Greek texts.

The process of researching the Hebrew and Greek, as well as the history of the church and world in regard to sexuality, began for us in 1980, and continues to this day. When translating from Hebrew and Greek to English, we tend to bypass religious resources, which have been known to alter meanings for doctrinal reasons (not just on this topic). We prefer to rely primarily on secular language sources, whose only "agenda" is proper understanding of the language.

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Do Homosexuals Need to be Healed of their Homosexuality?
- by Joseph Adam Pearson, Ph.D.

An excellent, well-researched (with footnotes) article, covering many reasons why homosexuals do NOT need to be healed of their homosexuality.

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A Peek Inside the Closet: Growing up Gay in Conservative America
- by Rick James

If you're gay, here is what you have gone through.

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Gay Pride
- by Rick James

Why do gays feel the necessity to wear rainbow wristbands, put bumper stickers on our cars, etc?

This is an excellent article, especially if you have just "come out".

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Christianity and Homosexuality Reconciled
- by Joseph Adam Pearson, Ph.D.

A full 184 page book complete with Bibliography which you can download from this website to print up and read. Many thanks to Dr. Pearson for allowing us to share this book with you at no charge.

Chapters include: The Seeming Dilemma, Sodom Revisited, Levitical Law and Grace, Christian Ethics and the Homosexual. Appendixes include: Examples of Intersex Categories, Question Assignments, Fast Facts for Distribution Purposes.

I encourage you to download this book and spend time investigating it.

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Some Talking Points on Christianity and Homosexuality
- by Rev Jerry S. Maneker

This article summarizes, in point form, many of the reasons why it's OK to be gay.

Download a printable .pdf version of this Article for your friends and family.

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Does the Bible Condemn Homosexuality? - Interview with Dr Rev Cheri DiNovo
- The Turning Magazine

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Christianity and LGBT People: A Teaching Summary

Rev. Dr. Jerry S. Maneker Answers The Questions:

    1. How do you define Christianity?

    2. What are some of the basic Bible quotes you've heard used by
        religious leaders to demonize LGBT people?

    3. Why are most organized Christian church members not accepting
        LGBT people at their services, while other organized Christian church
        members are leaving when their church does accept LGBT people?

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Ex-Gays - Unmasking the Scandals and Lies behind the Ex-Gay Myth - "From the very beginning, the "ex-gay" ministries have been enmeshed in a series of high profile, embarrassing follies and failures. These headline producing scandals and defections are perhaps the greatest evidence that efforts to change a person's sexual orientation do not work and can often be harmful."

"The 'ex-gay' ministries are still growing today despite their history of scandals and failures. The sad truth is, as long as people are made to hate themselves for being gay, these groups will exist. The best way to counter their negative influence is by highlighting the truth and revealing the failed history that 'ex-gay' groups represent. Showing an honest portrayal of gay life also greatly diminishes the effectiveness of these groups. When people learn that God loves them for who they are and that they can be gay and happy, the appeal of these dangerous groups invariably wanes."

Investigate ALL the links on this website thoroughly. Read about the abysmal history of the Ex-Gay movement, Ministry Double Talk, Scandals and Lies. You won't find this information on their website!

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Definitions - Queer? Trans? Intersexed? Learn the correct terminology.

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Sexual Orientation vs. Gender Identity vs. Sexual Identity

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"Coming Out" - The History, Process, Outing, Current Viewpoints

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Kinsey - Incidence, Frequency, and the 0-6 Scale of Sexuality

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A U.S. History of Gay and Lesbian Rights

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Homosexuality: Common Questions & Statements Addressed - by C. Ann Shepherd is one of the most comprehensive reference sites on the internet that I have found to date. She has covered a variety of subjects which I have not seen addressed anywhere else. She not only covers the Biblical aspects of homosexuality, she also gives a brief description of other Religious Beliefs. Her facts about GLBT Youth are disturbing. Read the Benefits of Legal Marriage to find out what "Special Rights" heterosexual couples enjoy, and for any who would wonder about our "Choice" to be GLBT, please read "Think About It". This is an excellent site and well worth a visit.

Addendum: Since I first put this information on my website, it has come to my attention that Ann's website is no longer available. I have tried to track her down, but my efforts have been in vain. For that reason, I have included some of her excellent articles on my own website, so the link now goes there. If anyone knows how I can contact Ann, I would be most grateful if you could put me in touch with her.

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Ten Reasons To Accept LGBTQ Clergy - by Vaughn Roste - was written as a paper to the ELCIC (Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada) but is applicable to all of Christendom.

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Religious Institute on Sexual Morality, Justice, and Healing - Founded in 2001, we are a multi-faith organization dedicated to advocating for sexual health, education, and justice in faith communities and society. The Religious Institute has emerged as the national leadership organization working at the intersection of religion and sexuality issues.

Our staff provide clergy, congregations, and denominational bodies with technical assistance on addressing sexuality and reproductive issues, and assist sexual and reproductive health (SRH) organizations on addressing religious issues and developing outreach to faith communities.

The primary objectives of the Religious Institute include:

    * Developing and supporting a network of clergy, religious educators,
          theologians, ethicists, and other religious leaders committed to
          sexual justice
    * Building the capacity of religious institutions and clergy to offer
          sexuality education within the context of their own faith traditions
    * Helping congregations become sexually healthy faith communities
    * Educating the public and policymakers about a progressive religious vision
          of sexual morality, justice, and healing.

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(The) Epistle - A Web Magazine of Encouragement & Inspiration for Christian Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender People. This is an excellent website, full of vital information for all GLBT people. Be prepared to spend much time reading the excellent articles and resources. Know the reason for the Hope that is in you!

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Gay Christian Network - is an extensive website that offers much including an extensive message board, radio broadcasts and daily bible readings. Its main focus is "networking" and meeting people, but it is so full of good solid information, that I am including it on this Education page as well as on the Social page.

colour bar contains numerous articles and in-depth studies on a wide range of topics related to being gay and Christian, so definitely worth a visit. Articles are in English and Spanish. A very special feature of this website is their Discussion Board. They have an 1800+ member on-line community who discuss a whole range of issues and topics. If you have questions, this is the place to go for solid Scripture based answers from "real" people.

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Gender-Neutral Language Controversy - is not specifically gay related, however I know that it is an issue for many, especially lesbians, so have decided to include this website in the educational links. This is an interesting website for people who want to delve a little deeper.

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Whosoever - is a online magazine intended for the spiritual growth of anyone who believes that God made gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgendered people just the way they are, and is not asking them to change to be a part of God's kingdom.

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Two Spirits Rising - A fascinating history lesson of First Nations Gays
- by John Dooley, posted Mar 5, 2007

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"Education either functions as an instrument which is used to facilitate integration of the younger generation into the logic of the present system and bring about conformity, or it becomes the practice of freedom, the means by which men and women deal critically and creatively with reality, and discover how to participate in the transformation of their world."     Paulo Freire

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Quit Smoking - This has nothing to do with being gay or Christian but many of our "family" is struggling to quit, and I felt this information could be helpful to them. Anna has now gone three weeks without smoking and attributes her success to:

"God being so good and faithful in every step and temptation. It has been very hard at times, and I give all the glory to Him/Her for giving me the strength and determination to keep going.

I do give some credit to a new drug that deals with some of the reasons you get hooked on smoking. I found a lot of information about how nicotine works in the body and especially the brain at

Also the medication I am on is called CHANTIX. It has worked better for me then any nicotine replacement thing out there. You can find out more about it at

I know how hard it is to break free. Until I recently had a heart problem, I never really thought about how smoking affected every part of my body. I didn't think it would happen to me. Then I got scared and learned everything I could and armed myself with that information and then finally quit. I can't tell you how much better I feel in just 3 weeks!!"

Note from Mary: is in no way associated with howstuffworks or CHANTIX, and makes no claims about either. This is simply the opinion of one of our "family" that we wish to share in case it may be of help to someone else.

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