Help Pages
Frequently Asked Questions - (FAQ's) About:
This is an ongoing project as I have free time so it is a work in progress, therefore there are lots of questions that have no answers yet and some of the answers are old and not relevant now. My apologies if you find this to be the case in your search. If you have a specific question that has not been addressed, please write to and let me know so that I can add it ASAP for you. Don't hesitate to ask a question that I haven't got listed yet.
Main Topics are in alphabetical order.
Click on the Main Topic. Questions within that topic will be revealed.
Click on a Question to reveal the Answers.

Activism - How Do I Get Involved In GLBTIQ Issues?
1. How can I get involved in GLBTIQ issues?
Subscribe to receive our activism Newsletter called "Standing in the Gap" from the Subscribe to page.
This Newsletter will advise you of the issues, and will give you the links to sign petitions, and let you know who to contact if you wish to write letters.
Close "Get Involved" Window
2. What is "Standing in the Gap"?
From the Old Testament through the New Testament, believers are called to fight inequality and injustice wherever it is. Most Christians take the time to offer support for those in their family and circle of friends. Many will even donate time and money to local charities and church groups that help those with AIDS, Alcoholism, and other problems.
When it comes to large scale participation we tend to be quiet. We think that one voice will make little difference. This newsletter will bring to your attention world wide stories that effect the GLBT community. You will find where and who to contact to make your voice heard.
Close "Standing in the Gap" Window
3. What difference does one person's action matter?
You think your one email, letter, or phone call will not make a difference? Consider this.
- In 1645, one vote gave Oliver Cromwell control of England.
- In 1649, one vote literally cost King Charles I of England his head.
The vote to behead him was 67 against and 68 for . . .
the ax fell thanks to one vote.
- In 1714, one vote placed King George I on the throne of England and
restored the monarchy.
- In 1800, when the results of the electoral college votes were opened by
both Houses of Congress, there was a tie vote for President
between Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr. That threw the election of
President into the House of Representatives where Thomas Jefferson
was elected third president of the U.S. by a one vote margin.
- In 1824, the House of Representatives defeated front runner
Andrew Jackson by one vote and elected John Quincy Adams as the
U.S. nation's 6th president.
- In 1845, Texas was admitted to the union as a state by one vote
-- that of Edward A. Hannigan from Indiana. The 1844 and 1845
excerpts on the series of single votes leading to Texas statehood
are from the book Magnificent Destiny.
- In 1846, a one vote margin in the U.S. Senate approved President Polk's
request for a Declaration of War against Mexico.
- In 1850, California was admitted to the union by a margin of one vote.
- In 1859, Oregon was admitted to the union by a margin of one vote.
- The Alaska Purchase of 1867 was ratified by just one vote
-- paving the wayfor the eventual annexation of America's
largest state in 1958.
- In 1868, one vote in the U.S. Senate saved President Andrew Johnson
from impeachment.
- In 1889, by a one vote margin, Washington was admitted to statehood
with the union.
- In 1890, by a one vote margin, Idaho became a state.
- On November 8, 1923, members of the then recently-formed
revolutionary political party met to elect a leader in a Munich, Germany
beer hall. By a majority of one vote, they chose an ex-soldier named
Adolph Hitler to become the Nazi Party leader.
- In 1941, the Selective Service Act (the draft) was passed by a
one vote margin -- just weeks before Pearl Harbor was attacked.
- In 1962, the governors of Maine, Rhode Island, and North Dakota were
all elected by a margin of one vote per precinct.
- In 1994, the U.S. House of Representatives enacted a law banning
specific classes of assault weapons. The vote was initially tied but
one member changed his vote to approve the ban.
- In a 1999 city election in Hillsborough County, Florida, one of the
city council candidates won by a single vote!
(Source: The Eagle's Nest)
Close "Get Involved" Window
4. How do I unsubscribe from "Standing in the Gap"
Click to bring up a letter. No need to type anything. Just hit "Send" and you will automatically be removed from the email address from which you are sending.
If the link doesn't work, just copy and paste this address into a new letter [email protected] and hit "Send".
Close "Unsubscribe" Window
Close (blue) "Main Activism" Window
Articles About Being Gay And Christian
1. How do I find articles on certain topics?
There is a "Search" box at the top of the Navigation links on the left side of the page. Just type a keyword or two that describes the topic you're looking for.
Click the "Search" button above the keyword, and a list of articles will be shown to you in a new window.
Close "How to Find" Window
2. May I reprint an article that is on
All articles are Copywritten and are the property of the author.
They may NOT be reprinted without the express permission from the author.
Articles by Mary Pearson are Copywritten but may be reprinted or quoted as long as you include the Copyright information as follows:
"Copyright ©2009 Mary Pearson & All Rights Reserved"
I would appreciate it if you would let me know if you've used it. Thanks!
Close "Reprint" Window
Close (blue) "Articles" Window
Banner Advertising
1. What's the difference between a "Banner Ad" and a "Personal Ad"?
A Banner Ad is a picture/message which is found below the Navigation links on the left side of the website, or across the top of one of the website pages.
Banner ads are commercial and are used to promote a website, book, music, etc. There is a charge to have a banner ad on Christian Gays.
A Personal Ad is one which promotes an individual for the sake of meeting others. Personal Ads can be posted on the Connections page.
Close "Difference" Window
2. Why should I pay to advertise my website, book, CD, etc, with now has over 5,000 pages of Articles and Resources, attracting a huge international audience. We are at the top of all the Search Engines and are generating, on average, about 13,000 unique visitors per month, almost exclusively gays, lesbians, bi-sexuals, intersexed and transgendered people, who are viewing an average of 30,000+ pages each month!
Please refer to the Advertise with page for all details.
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3. How much does it cost to have an Banner Ad on
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Bible Study
Books & Music About Being Gay And Christian
Bulletin Boards
Chat Rooms
1. How do I get into the chat rooms? Registration?
Click on the Gay CHAT link at the top of any page on the website.
Read the Agreement, and if you agree to our terms, please click "I Agree".
This will take you to the Registration or Login page.
You MUST register before you enter the chat rooms for the first time. Click on the link that says [Register] under the Login button in the top blue box.
Fill in the Username that you wish to be known as, your Password and Email address.
NB: Very Important!!!! Write down your username and password so that you can refer to it each time you wish to enter chat. You must enter both username and password EXACTLY as you have registered.
cAse mATterS!!!!!
If you use a capital letter in your username or password when you register, you MUST use it EVERY TIME you try to login, or your login will be unsuccessful!
Once you have recorded your Username and Password where you can refer to it again, click the "Register" button.
Note: You will not be able to login until you have activated your (free) account by email, so go to your mail inbox now and open the letter from and click on the link to activate your account.
From now on, you can simply login using your username and password.
Close "How Do I Get Into Chat?" Window
2. How do I chat with others?
First you must register, which involves choosing a username and password, and then entering your email address. After completing the "Register" page and clicking the "Register" button, you will need to activate your (free) chat account by clicking on a link in a letter that will be sent to the email address you entered. This method confirms that you have entered the correct email address, and that someone else has not subscribed you without your consent.
You only need to register once. From then on, you just login using your username and password.
Once logged in, you will be in the main chat room. Your name will appear in the right column along with the others who are in the room.
Near the bottom of the window, there is a white text box. Type your message there and click the "Send" button or hit the "Return" key on your keyboard. Your message will now be posted in the main window and you are on your way to chatting with others.
Close "How do I Chat?" Window
3. What will I see when I get in the Chat room?
At the top of the page you will see what Room you are in. By default you will start in the "Main Chat" Room but you can change to a different room by selecting the up and down arrows to the right of this line.
The big box under the Room name is where the conversations take place. You will see conversations from 10 minutes before you entered the room so that you'll know what's going on. Sometimes there will be more than one conversation happening at the same time. This can be confusing for newbies but stick around and you'll get into it.
To the right of the big box is a long box. This tells us who is logged in to this chat room. It also lists the other chat rooms and tells who is in each one.
Each name will have a little icon beside it. If the icon is an "A" then that person is the Administrator. If the icon is an "M" then that person is a Moderator.
If you want to know more about a person, click on their name, and then click the "Profile" button below to read about them. If you click on your own name, you will be able to Edit your Profile.
The box at the bottom of the page is where you put your text. When you are ready to post it to the main chat box, hit the "Send" button or the "Return" key on your keyboard.
Above the text input box near the bottom of the window there are options for letting people know if you are "Here", "Busy", "Away", or "BRB (Be Right Back).
Beside the "Here" button is the "Options" button where you can change how your window appears.
The little square window between "Options" and "Save" is for you to select a text colour. If each person makes theirs different from the others, it is easier to follow the conversations.
The "Save" button will save the conversation as a log if you need to keep it for any reason.
Click on the "Smiley" button to view a selection of choices. Click on one to add to your text if you want to convey "feelings".
The button with the "B" will make your text BOLD, and the "I" will Italicize it.
The "Clear" button will remove all the text in the main chat box.
If you come into the room and it appears that someone is there but they are not responding to your texting, they may be busy viewing another website on another browser page and not notice that you're there. Ring the bell if that's the case and it will get their attention.
Close "What Will I See?" Window
4. When are the chat rooms open?
The chat rooms are open all day, every day. They are never closed. However, you will not always find people in the chat rooms.
You have three options if you have tried the chat rooms and nobody is there.
- Leave the Chat Room window open on your desktop and wait to see if someone
comes in. You can open another window in your browser to keep surfing the internet.
Just leave the Chat window open in the background.
- Come back at one of our regularly scheduled times shown on the Gay CHAT page.
- Write to the Social Group (if you are a member) and let them know that
you'd like to chat and are going into the chat rooms NOW. Invite others to join you.
Close "When Are Chat Rooms Open?" Window
5. What are the regular meeting times?
Regular chat nights change from time to time but they will always be listed on the main Gay CHAT page.
Check there first and if your time zone isn't listed, go to
The World Clock - Time Zone Converter.
Close "What Are The Times?" Window
6. Nobody is there when I go in.
The chat rooms are open all day, every day. They are never closed. However, you will not always find people in the chat rooms.
You have three options if you have tried the chat rooms and nobody is there.
- Leave the Chat Room window open on your desktop and wait to see if someone
comes in. You can open another window in your browser to keep surfing the internet.
Just leave the Chat window open in the background.
- Come back at one of our regularly scheduled times shown on the Gay CHAT page.
- Write to the Social Group (if you are a member) and let them know that
you'd like to chat and are going into the chat rooms NOW. Invite others to join you.
Close "Nobody Is There?" Window
7. Help! I can't login to chat.
There are several reasons why you might have trouble getting into the Chat Rooms.
1. You must Register before you can login the first time. You may be subscribed to other parts of the website but that will not enable you to login to Chat. You must Register specifically for the Chat Rooms. See Question 1 if you need to find out how to Register.
2. If you have registered already and can't get in, more than likely you are entering the wrong information than what you registered with. Remember that cAse MaTters!
3. If you have forgotten your Username, you will need to re-register.
4. If you have forgotten your Password, you will need to re-register.
Close "Can't login" Window
8. I've forgotten my Username.
There is currently no way to recover your Username. Please re-register with a new Username and make note of it (and your Password) for future reference. You will need it every time you want to chat.
Close "Username" Window
9. I've forgotten my Password.
There is currently no way to recover your Password. Please re-register with a new Password and make note of it (and your Username) for future reference. You will need it every time you want to chat.
Close "Password" Window
10. How do I get Chat Reminders?
11. How do I unsubscribe from receiving the "Chat Reminders"?
Click to bring up a letter. No need to type anything. Just hit "Send" and you will automatically be removed from the email address from which you are sending.
If the link doesn't work, just copy and paste this address into a new letter [email protected] and hit "Send".
Close "Unsubscribe" Window
12. I want to volunteer in the chat rooms. What do I need to know?
We always need people to meet and greet newbies. You don't have to have any special knowledge - just be a friendly person to them and make them feel welcome. Volunteers can be unofficial. Just show up when you can. Keep the Chat Room Window open on your desktop and wait for people to stop by.
OR Volunteers can be official. If you feel that you would like to minister to people and have a working knowledge of how it is possible to be gay AND Christian, please let know what days or nights that you would be available on a regular basis, and what is a good time for you.
Close "Volunteer" Window
13. How do I Edit my Profile?
To the right of the big "conversation" box is a long box which lists those who are logged in to this chat room. Your name will be there.
Click on your own name -> Profile. This is where you can add information and a picture. Then click "Save".
Close "Edit Profile" Window
14. How do I add a picture to my Profile?
To the right of the big "conversation" box is a long box which lists those who are logged in to this chat room. Your name will be there.
Click on your own name -> Profile. This is where you can add information and a picture. Then click "Save".
Close "Add Picture" Window
15. I keep getting booted from Chat
1. Update your Flash Player. You can download it here.
2. Try using a different browser. I have found that FireFox works well.
Close "Getting Booted" Window
Close (blue) "Main Chat" Window
Changed Email Address Beliefs About Being Gay & Christian
1. What does believe re being Gay and Christian?
It is our belief that God loves and accepts us all just as we were created, without any need to change our orientation.
We believe that a loving monogamous relationship between two people is pleasing in God's sight, no matter what "plumbing" is involved, when we are devoted to Jesus Christ, and we live our lives according to Christ's standards.
Close "Believe" Window
2. Why was created? was created to provide the resources for any who wish to understand the ACCURATE interpretation of the Original Scriptures with regard to homosexuality.
We encourage connection with other gay Christians through our Newsletter,
Social Group, Chat Rooms, Blogging and Dating Service.
We have no agenda to change anyone's mind about their own personal views and we will not indulge in debate. This website merely provides the resources for those who wish to investigate a different perspective than the traditional.
Close "Why" Window
Close (blue) "Belief" Window
Copyright Information
1. Is everything on copywritten?
Yes! Everything on is Copywritten including our logo, layout, images, articles, personal ads, banner ads, etc.
All articles are the property of the author, and are used on this website with express permission from the author, and applicable only to this website.
Close "Property of Author" Window
2. May I reprint an article?
All articles are Copywritten and are the property of the author.
They may NOT be reprinted without the express permission from the author.
Articles by Mary Pearson are Copywritten but may be reprinted or quoted as long as you include the Copyright information as follows:
"Copyright ©2009 Mary Pearson & All Rights Reserved"
I would appreciate it if you would let me know if you've used it. Thanks!
Close "Mary's Articles" Window
Close (blue) "Copyright" Window
1. I'm suicidal! Who can help me?
If you are suicidal, you need to go to your local hospital, or phone a Suicide Prevention Lifeline IMMEDIATELY!
U.S. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - will provide immediate assistance to individuals in suicidal crisis by connecting them to the nearest available suicide prevention and mental health service provider through a toll-free telephone number: 1-800-273-TALK (8255). It is the only national suicide prevention and intervention telephone resource funded by the Federal Government.
This is a toll free number for most (all?) countries in the world.
If you are suicidal right now, please phone them immediately!
Canadian Suicide Prevention Crisis Centres
Close "I'm suicidal!" Window
2. I need in-depth counselling.
In-depth counselling is beyond the scope of For this you should contact your nearest hospital or your doctor to find local resources.
Close "In-depth Counselling" Window
3. I just need someone to talk to, one on one. is often approached to counsel people with problems related to Christianity and homosexuality. We have been blessed with some wonderful people who have volunteered to be there for you in your time of need.
Some of our volunteers have more formal training than others, but all have felt led to make themselves available to support you in any way they can. takes no responsibility for advice given. This is merely a service of volunteers which we are making available to you.
Go to our Counselling page. Read about each of our volunteers and then write to one or several of them. Clicking on the link for their name will bring up a letter addressed to them.
Close "Talk" Window
Close (blue) "Counselling" Window
Dating Service
1. Help, I can't login.
You MUST Register and Activate your account before you can receive all the benefits.
If you have Registered and Activated your account, make sure that you are correctly inputting your Username and Password. Remember that cASe matTeRS!!!
If you can't remember your Username or Password, enter any letters into the Username and Password boxes. This will take you to a page where you can be reminded of your Username and Password. Click on the link under "Forgot Password/Login?" and enter your email address that you subscribed with. Your information will be sent to you.
If you are sure that you have the correct Username and Password, and still can't login, it may be because your Profile was Rejected for inappropriate content. This is a Christian website for the purpose of seeking friendships that may develop into long term relationships. If your Profile indicated that you were looking for anything else, it would have been rejected.
Close "I can't login" Window
2. I can't remember my Username or Password.
If you can't remember your Username or Password, enter any letters into the Username and Password boxes. This will take you to a page where you can be reminded of your Username and Password. Click on the link under "Forgot Password/Login?" and enter your email address that you subscribed with. Your information will be sent to you.
Close "Can't remember Username or Password" Window
3. I can't upload my picture.
The reason that most people can't upload their pic is that the file size is too large. Pics must be less than 400 KB. If your pic is larger than that, reduce it using your photo editing software.
Close "Can't upload pic" Window
4. My picture isn't showing up. Why?
Make sure that you put it in the Public Album, not the Private Album. If that is not the situation, the picture could have been removed if it was deemed inappropriate for the website.
Close "Pic Not Showing Up" Window
5. What kinds of pics can I post on the Dating Service?
Only pics of people are accepted. No pets, objects, body parts or scenery is accepted. The purpose of these pics is to introduce and show off YOU!. You can send pics of your car, house and pets by email later to those you choose.
Since our focus is to connect lifetime, monogamous soul mates based on mutual beliefs and interests, no pictures which are deemed sexual in nature are accepted. This means that bathing suit poses, open shirt or no shirt poses, or any poses which could be construed as provocative will be accepted.
Close "What kind of Pics can I post?" Window
6. How do I change my password?
Login to your account. In the left navigation bar near the bottom under "Tools" click on "Change Password". Enter your old password, your new password twice, enter security code and click "Change".
Close "Change Password" Window
7. How do I delete my profile?
Login to your account. In the left navigation bar near the bottom under
"My Membership" click on "Cancel Membership". Then click "Yes I am sure".
Everything, including photos will be deleted.
Close "Delete Profile" Window
8. How do contact others?
On the left side of the page under "Search" click on "Profile Search".
Select the info either at the top right (light blue box) for a very general search (more results) or use the section that allows you to be very selective. You only need to fill in the info you want to fill in. You don't have to include your username or the state or province, city, etc. The more requirements you put in, the fewer the results you'll get.
Now you have a page with some profiles. Select the one(s) you want to contact. Under each profile is a link to "View Profile" and "Send Message". I suggest you "View Profile" so that you know something about the person.
Now that you're in the Profile page of that person, at the top of the page are links to "Send Message", "Send a Wink", etc. Click "Send Message".
Follow the instructions.
Close "Contact Others" Window
Close (blue) "Dating Service" Window
Donate to
1. How do I Donate to the Ministry? is MOST grateful for any donation! We are set up to accept directly through the website, a one time donation, or monthly gifts through PayPal.
Please visit the Donations page for an explanation of PayPal, and to complete your Donation
You may send cheque or money order by "snail" mail to:
Mary Pearson
1225 Northgate Cres
Oshawa, ON
L1G 7C4
Thank you so very much!
Close "How do I Donate" Window
2. Is my Donation tax deductible?
Unfortunately no. Your donation is not tax deductible. Most donations received are from countries other than my home, Canada. A tax deduction for Canada would not be applicable to any other country, therefore I have no intention of applying for charitable status.
Close "Deductible" Window
3. Can my Donation be Anonymous?
Yes, of course. You may use your first name only, nickname, name of your church or organization, or you may simply put Anonymous.
Please just mention how you'd like me to list you in the Comments section when you fill in the Donations form, or just write to .
Close "Anonymous" Window
4. How can I tithe regularly to
5. I understand that I can get a CD if I donate.
Close (blue) "Donate" Window
Education About Being Gay and Christian
Finding a Gay Friendly Church
Gay Marriage
Intersex Support
Join the "Family"
1. What is the "Family"?
We are a group of people who range in age from 13 - 94. Most of us are Spirit-filled Christians, including many pastors, ex-nuns, Archbishops, etc, but some of us are questioning our faith and finding out how to be comfortable as gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, intersex and transgender Christians. We also have many supportive "straight" members, some pagans and agnostics. We are a diverse group of people with many varying beliefs. All are welcome at! strictly regulates guidelines of
1) no sexually explicit conversation and
2) respect for ALL. Everyone is free to disagree with a post, but criticism must be confined to the issues, NOT of the person who posted.
We'd love to have you join our "family". I'm sure you'll feel comfortable, loved, and supported.
Close "What is the Family" Window
1. How do I join the "Family"?
1. How else can I connect with others?
Our Social Group is the main way that we interact with each other, but you may also wish to join us in the Chat Rooms.
The Chat Rooms are always open but you may not always find someone there. To make sure you connect with others, please check our regular meeting times. They are listed on the Gay CHAT page.
You may also wish to join us in the Chat Rooms for our Bible Studies.
If you are seeking a soul mate, please make use of Connections.
Close "Connect with Others" Window
Close main (blue) "Famly" Window
List Serve (Social Group)
Lost Passwords
Meeting Other Gay Christians
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Note from Mary: The Google Ads at the top and bottom of these pages are supposed to reflect the content within the website, however they are selected by robots so may actually be contrary to beliefs and principles. does not necessarily endorse the Advertisers, although I'm sure some of them are very good.